The conference program is almost ready, with few lectures still to be defined and under finalization.

Lectures will be takein in English unless otherwise specified.

Acronyms: National Research Council, CNR; Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, TLS; Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT; National Institute for Nuclear Physics , INFN; Scuola Normale Superiore, SNS; Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies , SSSA; Università Cattolica, UNICATT; University of Florence, UNIFI; University of Pisa, UNIPI; University of Siena, UNISI; University for foreigners of Siena, UNISTRASI.

8 October

The next health journey






Welcome and introduction

  • Institutional greetings
    • L. Marras, Councillor for Economy, productive activities, credit policies and tourism (Regione Toscana)
    • A. Petrucci, THE President, University of Florence Rector


Presentation of the Tuscany Health Ecosystem – THE


  • PerfeTTO, the national Italian life science technology transfer network – L. Battistelli (PerfeTTO)
  • The experience of UVaR, Regional Office for the Valorization of Biomedical Research – (Regione Toscana)


Preventive and predictive medicine: prevention (infectious pathogens monitoring, vaccinations, lifestyles; active aging…) and predictive medicine (risk factors, omics markers…)

  • Advanced technologies for active and healthy aging – M. L. Mancusi (UNICATT)
  • Active Aging @THE – P. Barsocchi (ISTI-CNR)
  • Wastewater as sentinels for the spread of infectious diseases and the control of antibiotic resistance – A. Carducci (UNIPI), C. Lubello (UNIFI)
  • Cognitive and behavioral interventions to improve healthcare – G. Cevolani, D. Menicagli (IMT Lucca)
  • Atherothrombosis and cardiovascular risk: where are we now? where are we going? – R. Marcucci (UNIFI)
  • Innovation in device development for thrombotic risk assessment – M. Becatti (UNIFI)

Lunch break


Innovation in diagnostics (development of innovative biomarkers, imaging and instrumental diagnostics, etc..)

  • Innovative tailored management of melanoma brain metastases – A. Di Giacomo (UNISI)
  • Acoustoelectric platforms as winning tools for point of care testing (POCT) – M. Cecchini (NANO-CNR)
  • Novel biomarkers for endometrial diseases – F. Luongo (UNISI)
  • Imaging biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases – N. Di Stefano (UNISI)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based tools for digital and computational pathology – F. Ugolini (UNIFI)
  • Innovative imaging tools for the early diagnosis and monitoring of cardiotoxicity induced by cancer treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors – M.C. Pastore (UNISI)
  • Intelligent wearable sensors: revolutionizing diagnostic and rehabilitation approaches in neurodegenerative diseases – F. Cavallo (UNIFI)
  • CEACAM5 as potential marker for image-guided gastric cancer surgery – S. Martinelli (UNIFI)
  • IFC-CNR radiopharmaceuticals manufacturing facility:new diagnostic opportunities for regional and national cancer patients – M. Poli (IFC-CNR)


Tools and models for the development of therapeutics

  • Use of artificial intelligence and a new animal model to study compounds with preventive action toward diseases associated with aging – A. Cellerino (SNS)
  • Data-driven approaches for precision therapies in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases – F. Raimondi (SNS)
  • Unravelling the role of smart lipid-based nanoparticles in targeted drug delivery – A. Magnani (UNISI)
  • Bioprinting techniques for advanced in vitro models – G.M. Fortunato (UNIPI)
  • Additive manufacturing approaches for intelligent scaffolds – A. Camposeo (NANO-CNR)
  • A fluorescence lifetime platform for the screening of healthcare nanoformulations – F. Cardarelli (SNS)

9 October





Innovative pharmacological approaches

  • Drug design of potential enzyme inhibitor-based drugs for neurodegenerative diseases – C. Supuran (UNIFI)
  • Development of innovative and affordable medicines for the treatment of obesity, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases – M. Pineschi (UNIPI)
  • Antibodies and nanobodies – A. Cattaneo (SNS)
  • Novel immunotherapies in cancer: targeting the hERG1/beta 1 integrin complex through recombinant antibodies in combination with cholesterol lowering drugs – A. Arcangeli (UNIFI)
  • Antibody-Drug Conjugates: redefining precision medicine for cancer and beyond – E. Petricci (UNISI)
  • Branched peptides for therapy – L. Bracci (UNISI)
  • Multifunctional devices for the treatment of sepsis – A. Pini (UNISI)
  • Multi-approach strategies to prevent/treat infections in the era of multi-drug resistance – G. Batoni (UNIPI)


Innovative non pharmacological therapeutic approaches

  • Clinical translation of implantable and wearable neurotechnologies to restore neural functions – S. Micera (SSSA)
  • Guiding medical procedures with Augmented Reality by extending the surgeon’s capabilities and integrating with clinical practice – V. Ferrari (UNIPI)
  • A hand from wearable robotics: exoskeletons for upper limb assistance and rehabilitation – N. Secciani (UNIFI)
  • Wearable robotic devices and haptic interfaces for assistive robotic, augmentation and telemedicines – M. Malvezzi, T. Lisini Baldi (UNISI)

Lunch break


Innovative non pharmacological therapeutic approaches

  • Lower-limb rehabilitation robotics: the case of the Active Pelvis Orthosis – R. Conti (IUVO)
  • Modular and flexible robots for improving minimally invasive surgery – A. Menciassi (SSSA)
  • Innovative techniques in cancer radiotherapy: FLASH radiotherapy – L. Gizzi (INO-CNR)
  • Designing health: 3D printing at the forefront for the patient – M. Carfagni (UNIFI)



Organizational and care models in healthcare (in Italian)

Introduction – S. Nuti (SSSA)

Round table

Alessio Gramolati – Secretary (SPI CGIL Toscana)
⁠Simone Bezzini – Councillor for the Right to Health and Healthcare (TUSCANY Regione)
⁠Alessandro Agnetis – Department of Information Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (UNISI)
⁠Maria Pia Fantini – Prof. in Hygiene and Public Health (UNIBO)
⁠Antonio D’Urso – General manager (Azienda Usl Toscana sud est)



8 October





CiaoTech-Gruppo PNO innovation services in the health sector: ONCOVALUE & WARIFA projects


“Photonics Start-up and Innovation: Accelerating Life Sciences”

Organized by Confindustria Toscana, PhotonHub Europe project partner

15.00 – 15.05  Welcome and Opening Remarks
Gabriele Baccetti – Confindustria Toscana

15.05 – 15.20   PhotonHub Europe: new technologies and opportunities from photonics to life sciences,
Hugo Thienpont (Vrije Univ. Brussel (Belgium -VUB) – Phontonhub Lead Partner (TBC)

15.20 15.35     Photonic Innovations for life sciences applications
Roberto Pini (CNR IFAC)

15.35 15.50     Investing in the Future: opportunities and success criteria for photonic start-ups
Alejandro Dominguez (Funding Box)

15.50 16.25     Round Table: “Collaboration and Innovation in the photonic Sector – synergies between research, industry, and finance”
Participants: photonic companies and start-ups, Hugo Thienpont (VUB) (TBC), Roberto Pini (CNR IFAC), Alejandro Dominguez (Funding Box)

16:25 – 16.30   Closing Remarks





9 October



Pinwheel Pitching Arena 2024

Final event of Startup Breeze 2024, a journey supporting business ideas and startups in focusing and improving their value proposition. The 13 finalist teams present their business proposals to investors and life science experts.


Workshop “The ecosystem of innovation in the life sciences in Tuscany”





8 October














9 October










Lunch break











The schedule of workshops is currently being under finalization. Schedules are preliminary and indicative.


8 October



Tuscany Health Ecosystem Spokes workshops


Preventive and predictive medicine – Spoke 2 THE

Molecular approaches in disease redefinition through the identification and use of biomarkers to validate advanced diagnostic methodologies based on the understanding of molecular mechanisms that enable stratification of patients, personalization of treatments.


Nanotechnologies for diagnosis and therapy – Spoke 4 THE

  • Nanotechnologies in the Tuscany Health Ecosystem: Spoke 4 role and state-of-the-art’ – D. Pisignano (UNIPI)
  • Nanovectors for lung and eye deliver – A.M. Piras (UNIPI)
  • Monitoring 3D blood-brain barrier maturation and integrity in real-time with a sensorized microfluidic device – Nanovectors for lung and eye deliver – M.C. Ceccarelli (IIT)
  • Smart nanostructures for intracellular theranostics and optical biosensing – F. Baldini (IFAC-CNR)


Results and issues on the topics covered by Spoke 6 & 7 – THE

Precision medicine & personalized healthcare – Spoke 6

Identification and development of new advanced biomarkers (immunological, molecular, etc.) to improve patient stratification and generate personalized clinical approaches for diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and management of patients through omics, artificial intelligence, and computational biology techniques.

Innovating translational medicine – Spoke 7

Development and validation of innovative approaches in translational research with continuous interaction between research and clinic to facilitate and accelerate the identification of new markers for therapy and diagnosis, particularly in rare, infectious and chronic diseases.


9 October

Tuscany Health Ecosystem Spokes workshops


Advanced radiotherapies and diagnostics in oncology – Spoke 1 THE

Innovative therapeutic and diagnostic technologies in radiotherapy for cancer treatment, with special reference to FLASH radiotherapy and radiopharmaceutical development for theranostic uses.

  • Development of a positioning system for animal models (and simulation of  the organ-specific dose deposition: essential requirements for obtaining robust and reproducible data in in vivo experiments.) – A. Gonnelli (UNIPI)
  • Data management and analysis platform for FLASH experiments – C. Scapicchio (INFN)
  • A 3D in vitro platform to investigate the effects of radiotherapy in normal and tumor cells – A. Usai (UNIPI)
  • Imaging tools to assess FLASH and CONV RT efficacy on a murine model of melanoma and skin toxicity – E. Mota da Silva (CNR/SSSA)
  • Enabling technologies for preclinical testing with laser-plasma accelerators – G. Bandini (CNR. tbc)
  • Dosimetric systems for FLASH-RT: measuring the dose delivered with plastic scintillator-based detectors – E. Ravera (UNIPI)


Advanced technologies, methods and materials for human health and well-being -Spoke 3 THE

Development, integration, and validation of advanced technologies for human health through a multidisciplinary approach, declined in various socio-health applications, including care, monitoring, diagnosis, therapy support, rehabilitation, and in daily living environments, such as hospitals, residences, workplaces, and public spaces.


Biotechnologies and imaging in neuroscience – Spoke 8 THE

Development of new therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities, using innovative approaches and technology platforms in neuroscience and neurodegenerative diseases, such as computational and artificial intelligence techniques for drug design, innovative cellular and preclinical models for identification and validation of new therapeutic targets and treatments, tools (e.g., functional imaging) for analysis and manipulation of neuronal function and understanding of relationships between behavior and brain function.

Lunch break


Workshop Population health – Spoke 10 THE (In Italian)

Spoke 10 is focuse on the development and implementation of methods and tools to support health system governance and management. The areas covered are: the implementation of social, clinical and economic validation processes on the population and health system; coordination and integration of health services for continuity of care; integrated care for the population with chronic diseases, multi-morbidity and frailty; community involvement for the promotion of social and technological innovation for health in the territories; health and cultural mediation with respect to migratory trauma.

  • Intervento Spoke 10 group leader sul tema “Salute della popolazione – Attuazione dal prototipo alla sperimentazione su larga scala: processi di validazione sociale, clinica ed economica sulla popolazione e nel sistema sanitario – N. Bellè (SSSA), F. Quattrone (SSSA), P. Cantarelli (SSSA) in collaborazione con D. Guerri (Dedalus).
  • Percorsi sanitari innovativi per gli anziani nelle aree rurali e urbane – R. Moruzzo & L. Catena (UNIPI)
  • Health Community HUB: un metodo di co-creazione della salute a partire dalla comunità – D. Menicagli & E. Betti (UNIFI)
  • Predizione dell’uso del pronto soccorso nei pazienti fragili: uno studio longitudinale del gruppo Spoke 10 – F. Turco & A. Colitta (UNIPI)
  • Coordinamento e integrazione dei servizi sanitari per la continuità assistenziale e la creazione di valore pubblico – A. Agnetis (UNISI)
  • Intervento su Traumi migratori e industria sanitaria toscana – A. Sgaglione (UNISTRASI)


Workshop Robotics and automation for health – Spoke 9 THE

Development of robotic solutions in clinical, care, rehabilitation and automation in the health sector, in particular robotic systems for surgery and diagnosis up to their clinical validation; robotic and sensor technologies for rehabilitation, prosthetics, care of disabled or frail individuals, telemedicine and advanced telepresence; robotic systems for automation in pharmaceutical processes and hospital logistics management.